EAB Facts

Founded 16 years ago and is in 29 States

Destruction is done at immature stage

Kills the tree by girdling the tree, cutting off water and nutrient transport Native to Asia

Was first detected in 2002

Was first detected in Colorado in 2013

Can destruct all sizes of the ash tree, even small sprouts On average is spreading 12 Miles per year

Is mostly being transported through firewood (it is advised to use your firewood in the same place you have purchased it)

Emerald Ash Borer can withstand temperatures as low as -31.5 degrees F. (The insect has a natural super cooling ‘anti-freeze’ system)

The Green Ash tree is most commonly attacked Ash is native to Wyoming

The Emerald Ash Borer may not spread very fast in Wyoming or across the Midwest due to its scarce forests

EAB has not made its way to Wyoming or Cheyenne yet but is projected to move forward within the next 12-15 years

It is important to make communities aware of EAB now so that they can plan for mature trees in the future. It is important not to plant Ash trees in residential areas in order to avoid costs of tree removal in the future.

12-15% of public trees in Colorado are Ash

Ash is typically planted because it is a hearty tree with good canopy Ash trees naturalize near and along many waterways

If you know there is an Ash tree infestation near you, it is important to remove the tree while it is still alive because it can become hazardous to climb and remove when it is dead and falling apart.

Removing Ash trees can be costly for property owners to remove, sometimes thousands of dollars.

Identifying the EAB

Trees with EAB may exhibit crown thinning

Trees with EAB may exhibit growth from the mid-section of the tree

Scouting for EAB is very time consuming and requires pealing back the bark of the tree and even removing some branches.

Search for ‘D’ shaped exit hole

Search for Woodpecker damage

Ugly and unmaintained Ash trees may look similar to EAB damage Late snow and winter damage may also look similar to EAB damage

EAB Management

Can spray small scale trees as a preventative aid but ultimately Emerald Ash will eventually cause damage

Treating trees by injection inoculation only buys time (2 or 3 years) If you inoculate a tree, it is best to have a professional administer chemicals to the base of the tree. The only way this will postpone damage is if the insecticide is applied to the tree before the larvae are present. If you miss this chance the tree will suffer and there is really nothing left to do except tree removal.

Treatment of Ash trees also buys time for surrounding areas to come up with a plan against EAB

Treatment will not be effective is cambium (the area just under the bark) is already damaged

The following publication has been suggested for insecticide options on EAB

http://www.emeraldashborer.info/documents/Multistate_EAB_Insecticide_Fact_Sheet. pdf

Other info can be found at http://emeraldashborer.info/

Boulder Colorado has been using TREE-age as a preventative http://arborjet.com/product/tree-age/

Other Types of Management

Diversity tree plantings Tree removal

Take tree inventory so that it is easier to project future costs Outreach, engage the community and HOA groups

Plan neighborhood tree plantings

Advise nurseries and surrounding suppliers not to sell Ash trees, advise everyone else not to buy Ash trees

Treat all healthy trees within 10-15 miles of unhealthy trees

Cheyenne Facts of EAB

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the USDA had been doing trapping projects

Cheyenne has 5% Ash trees in the City and 15% Ash as ‘Street Trees’

Ash trees are the 3rd most common tree in Cheyenne behind the Spruce and Cottonwood

Other Facts

Asian and Lilac Ash populations are seeing damage but not death Olive and Ash are in the same family

EAB can fly 2-10 miles

White Ash is commonly used to make baseball bats